Can This One Ingredient Remove Adult Acne For Good?

Visible skin blemishes such as acne, blackheads and psoriasis on the face and body can be extremely annoying, embarrassing and at times frightening. Who hasn’t experienced a big red blob on their cheek suddenly appear, just days before an important event.

So anything from pimples, rosacea, to sunburn are all unwelcome skin conditions that you want to rid of permanently.

As nutritional research continues to improve, it’s becoming clear that your dietary choices can indeed influence and promote the inflammation of acne on all areas of the body, notably the face.

The Link Between Certain “Fats” And Acne

It has always been known that there are lower instances of skin blemishes, particularly acne, in non-Westernized countries such as Asia and parts of Europe.

Research may have finally found a possible link to why this occurs.

It’s been found that in countries and societies where the diet’s are extremely high in Omega-3 based fatty acids, that acne and blemishes were virtually non-existent on the skin.

Conversely, once the consumption of Omega-3 based foods is reduced, the incidences of acne increases.

So, has the mystery on how to eliminate acne finally been solved. Has the “code” been cracked?

Can the answer be as simple as consuming more Omega-3?

The Relationship Between Oil Intake And Skin Inflammation

As a dietary source for health purposes, it’s found consuming adequate amounts of fish that contains Omega-3 on a weekly basis, is the best way to acquire this fatty acid into your system.

Fresh fish oil, that contains eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), is found to be extremely effective when it comes to regulating inflammation in the body, both internally and externally.

What it specifically does, is effectively lowers the levels of the inflammatory chemicals within the body, which are known as leukotriene B4 (LTB4) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2).

To Eliminate Inflammatory Chemicals In The Body

What these unwanted chemicals does if found in excess in the body, is causes a variety of unwanted skin conditions, including acne.

The elevated levels of these chemicals are caused by a diet, which is high in Omega-6 based oils.

Oils which are heavy in Omega 6 include: safflower, corn, soybean, and sunflower oils.

What the over consumption of these Omega-6 fatty oils leads to, is the promotion of inflammation in the body caused by elevated levels of LTB4 and PGE2.

Proper Supplementation Leads Towards Better Well-Being

It’s been found that the average North American diet, when it comes down to a ratio, is far lacking from it’s non-western counterparts from around the world.


That ratio for the majority of those in other “healthier diet” countries and societies, is approximately two to one (2:1) when it comes to oil content in the body.

What this means is two parts of Omega-6 oil, to one part Omega-3 oil.

This ratio was recently discovered, recognized and recommended by a group of lipid experts.

For those individuals who continuously consume a higher intake level of Omega-3 fatty acids, and less of the Omega-6 oil, resulted in a decreased risk of certain skin diseases.

It was also discovered that once orally administering recommended levels of Omega-3 EPA, it was found to reduce the redness which occurs from excess sunburn.

It also potentially reduces the risk of melanoma, because of its ability to interfere with the DNA damage that can occur.

The majority of the UV damage we experience doesn’t occur from the exposure to the sun while on vacation, but more from the daily exposure without adequate sunscreen protection.

Omega-3 Supplements As A Dietary Source

So dietary considerations should be used, such as taking vitamin D, antioxidants, and Omega-3 fatty acids supplementation, which becomes a lot more important as well as relevant for long-term health preservation.

Omega-3 fish oil however may not be the complete solution, or a substitute for the clinical treatment of the various dermatological solutions.

This recent discovery of more Omega-3 intake however, provides enough proof, to at the very least increase the dietary intake of this fatty acid, even in supplemental form, for healthier safer glowing skin.

Replacement Of The “Bad” Oils

What’s known is the average North American diet in some areas of the country, the ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 in some cases, can be as high as 20 to 1.

There’s also a clear distinct link that incidences of skin blemishes such as acne and psoriasis, along with other skin conditions, may be a result of too much Omega-6 in our system.

So to reduce your skin blemish issues, it can be as easy as consuming more of the Omega-3 fatty acids.

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