Why You Need This Cleanse Before You Lose An Ounce Of Weight

whyyouneedacoloncleanseThe majority who begins the latest greatest diet craze on the market, or that trendy new exercise program, thinking that they’re on the fast track to permanent weight loss, still fail. The reason being that most are missing a vitally important cleansing step.

Most will try and try again, but what weight they do lose eventually comes back in spades. What they’ll then do is go from one weight loss plan to another without success, providing that yo-yo effect. Most think that all they need to do is exercise and diet to lose weight.

This may be possible when you’re still young, in relatively good shape, and are needing to lose a few pounds. Then these off the shelf diets may work.

But for the majority, it’s found that losing weight isn’t that easy, that this simple formula of eating less or healthier and exercising your buns off, just doesn’t work. Try as you may over and over again.

The Key To Weight Loss
It’s been found that one of the key factors when it comes to successful permanent weight loss is by doing a certain cleanse, and this is detoxing the colon.

What most don’t understand is why the colon needs to be cleansed, so as a result, doing so may sound strange to them. They wonder what losing weight has to do with a clean colon.

So what needs to be realized is the function of the colon, this along with the consequences of one that’s backed up. It’s found that not only will it prevent you from losing weight, but a clogged colon will cause a whole host of other symptoms such as:

• Constant feelings of being chronically tired and sluggish
• Interrupted sleep patterns
• Sudden or excessive weight gain
• Constant joint and muscle ache pain
• Premature aging and wrinkling of the skin
• Sudden or unexplained skin rashes
• Episodes of diarrhea or constipation
• Stomach gas and bloating
• Headaches and moodiness

These are just a few of the symptoms which are caused by a plugged up toxic colon. But the question remains, what does the colon have to do with weight loss.

The Role Of The Colon
When the colon is functioning normally, the food that we ingest in the stomach gets broken down and then flushed out efficiently. All of the nutrients are properly absorbed by both the small and large intestines.

What the friendly flora does is it produces b-vitamins along with nutrients which are sent to all the regions of the body, all the cells being nourished.

This normal functioning of the colon produces the hormones that we need, along with keeping our metabolism high, which is an important component for effective weight management.

The Obese Nation
All we need to do is look at the evidence, the people among us. We are the byproduct of today’s environment. We absorb all of the toxicity that’s been used from all the preservatives and chemicals found in our food. It’s our bodies that take the brunt of the damage.

Our food is constantly being altered and not always for the better. The mass production of food by big business, for the purpose of extending their shelf life, results in preservatives being added to the food supply.

The food industry has successfully reinvented how food is being manufactured, constantly altering them with harmful additives, robbing them of their originally intended natural wholesomeness.

What’s added are preservatives, food dyes, coloring, and chemicals which dramatically reduces the quality of the foods we eat. What doing so produces is more profit, all this at the expense of our health.

Just look around, all you see is an obese tired nation of people. We’re fed foods which are stripped of their nutrients. Foods such as white flour, pasta, white rice, dairy products, fatty meats, and preserved deli meats full of sodium nitrate, all empty all unhealthy.


Our Body Absorbs The Damage
What these foods are doing is wreaking havoc on our digestive system. It’s known that any type of food we consume should be digested and flushed out of our body in 2 to 3 days. But with processed foods, it can take up to 5 or 6 days.

What all this undigested food does is it begins to clog up in the large intestines, making it extremely difficult for the body to absorb the proper nutrients that it needs.

As it gets backed up, similar to a clogged septic tank, the gunk gets further caked on, and this food stuff becomes toxic as it gets stuck on the stomach walls, making it difficult to remove.

What’s shocking is that all this food substance could add anywhere from 5 to 20 pounds of unneeded hidden weight to our body, while also narrowing the passageways so that elimination becomes difficult.

Why We Feel Bloated
Once you eat the typical foods which are available today, what you’ll feel is instantly full, this while simultaneously starving your body of the much needed nutrients it needs.

If the food that you eat continues to be poor, and the colon remains backed up, the body then becomes desperate, wanting to eliminate the toxic buildup somehow.

The body then places tremendous stress on the liver and the kidneys, while also attempting to rid of the toxins through the skin. This the reason why rashes will suddenly appear on the skin, and the cause of premature wrinkling.

What a toxic colon also does is it slows down your metabolism, making it difficult to lose weight. So before starting any new diet, make sure that you remove all of the toxin buildup by cleansing out your colon.

Then you’ll begin to lose weight, this provided that you eat the proper foods, drink plenty of clean fresh water, and exercise. You’ll then finally begin to reach your weight loss goals.

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