Ways To Promote Your Business On Facebook For No Cost

promoting you business of facebookFacebook houses the largest number of individuals on the Web. The members are all represented from various backgrounds, occupations, and countries. So what’s provided is a Rolodex of information, an array of individuals who are stamped, sorted, and categorized.

So when it comes to promoting your business or concern, simply because of the mass of people that’s accumulated, Facebook can offer you a myriad of business if executed correctly. You can also do so by exerting effort rather than spending capital.

The majority of people are hooked on Facebook, as a billion or so members can attest. Social scientists claim the reason why it’s so popular is because it’s human nature to have short attention spans, and that’s what Facebook caters to.

It’s become an environment of sharing short bits of news and information in small compact posts, tiny portions of data that’s shared among friends, clients, and co-workers.

Facebook allows you to stay active on what your online associates are up to, along with catching up on the latest gossip, or looking at the latest cute animal meme.

Another advantage is that if approached properly, you can also get genuine references for your business from Facebook, which may turn into clients, this by using it’s various free services.

Using Facebook To Get Customers For Your Business

Promote Yourself By Promoting Others
Regardless of who are, everyone loves a compliment now and then, genuine or not, especially the public adoration type from complete strangers. So giving a quick Facebook “Share,” “Like,” or a comment to one of your Facebook friends can do wonders.

Use Facebook to shine a positive light on someone, which could be your customer, friends, or colleagues. Congratulate them on their new photo update, the completion of a project, their recent job promotion, or sympathize with them on their vent.

Also spread the love around about their upcoming event, or a job opening they may have. Just a simple thoughtful Facebook post or share will generate attention back to you.

Providing Usable Helpful Context
Since Facebook is a peer to peer network, it allows you to view as well as track your clients the same way that their competitors or anyone else sees them.

So you can provide constructive criticism and advice to them, say for instance, “Did you happen to read what your competitor X announced yesterday? Would this affect you in any way?”

If your client needs help in differentiating their business, product, or service, it gives you the perfect opportunity for your company to make them stand out.

Using Facebook Chat
Facebook Chat can actually be a secret weapon to spread your word around. So during the course of your work day, turn on your chat on occasion and keep an eye on whoever may be online.

If there’s a green dot next to their name, contacting them with your message will usually grab their attention. So the next time you need to “speak” to a client, try using this method.

You can also quickly contact your friends and ask them to spread the word regarding your new project, or product, which may result in new followers, which can potentially turn into business leads.

Stay Tuned With Your Facebook Friends
Facebook can be an excellent source if you’re wanting to catch up on the latest breaking news, celebrity gossip, or trending videos. All of the funny or thoughtful pictures which are shared glues everyone together.

If you do post something, make sure you remain as neutral as possible, don’t post repeatedly and continuously, don’t get too annoying, religious, racist, or become too political.


You can send a direct Facebook message to a potential prospect or an existing client, something that’s funny or unique which reflects your relationship or can help them.

Looking For Signs Of Distress
Usually, it’s late at night or on the weekends when clients, friends, or your prospects will usually decide to vent their dissatisfaction, or complain about their life, or work.

They’ll do so, just to let off a bit of steam on Facebook, thinking that no one will read or care, they usually do so to no one in particular. They just feel they have to get it off their chest. This can also be a potential gold mine for your business since they have their guard down.

You will usually see posts such as, “Why do I have to work 12 hours a day?” or “I’ve been trying to write this damn Press Release for the past 3 hours!” You can leave comments with a provoking yet gentle, “Is there anyway I can help?” this just to remind them what you’re company has to offer.

Collaborate And Communicate
The majority of your clients may rarely find the time to meet with you face to face, even for a coffee, but it’s almost guaranteed that their computer keyboards aren’t idle.

There are many who will post a quick general business related question where you can potentially offer an easy solution, or give them a suggestion or a recommendation for their latest marketing project.

Virtual brainstorming can be an extremely powerful method which also reinforces the partnership which you’ve built up with your clients. You should always be there to somehow help any way you can, even if it doesn’t mean there’s a purchase order.

Today, putting up a virtual firewall between you and your business associates, which may have been customary in the past, just doesn’t work any longer. The nature of social media networking is designed and dedicated to knocking those barriers down.

Your friends, business colleagues, associates, and clients can help you in your business, while your business connections can easily become your friends as well. What you need to do is avoid compartmentalizing these groups, so you can make this happen.

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