9 Of The Greatest Fears We Humans Deal With In Life

What’s known is it’s fear that’s the most uncontrollable of human emotions, which can rage out of control in our mind. It’s thought to be more powerful than love, once it activates our behavior. We surviving another day, depends on overcoming fear.

Fear is triggered by the most primitive area of the brain, when we’re faced with the “fight or flight” response. This once confronting a real or perceived life threatening danger.

Once facing fear the heart rate elevates, as increased blood and oxygen rushes from the brain and organs, to supply the muscles.

What places the sensation of fear in us humans today, is a lot different from what our ancestors dealt with previously, but the response is the same.

9. Fear of Rejection

The fear of rejection, is a deep rooted human emotion which plagues many. What humans want is to be accepted, to be hip and cool, which is a core primitive need that’s entrenched in our survival.

Children growing up in dysfunctional families, will go to extreme measures to be accepted. They suffer from low self-esteem, and the fear of not fitting in.

They can also react radically because of the rejection, resulting in desperate measures. Similar to other fears, rejection doesn’t occur in isolation.

Most will struggle and become paralyzed with their life as a result and becoming lonely. The only way to dig out of this fear is to take control, and not allow it to rule your life.

8. Fear of the Dark

This fear is especially prevalent in children, where anxiety is instantly heightened once the lights go out at bedtime, which also activates the fear of the unknown.

The fear of the dark begins once children are old enough to sense imagination, which is around 3 years old. This is the age where children will have difficulty distinguishing what’s fantasy and what’s real.

When dark, what’s scary is the “boogy man” under the bed or hiding inside the closet, once the lights go out, which can result in nightmares.

Leaving a small light on, can relieve thos anxiety. Restricting or monitoring what children read or watch before going to bed, can help as well.

7. Fear of Heights

The fear of heights, is a healthy defense reaction which keeps us safe, such as not walking off the roof of a high rise building.

It can however be taken to extremes, which can become paralyzing. For instance, some will become crippled with anxiety, just by climbing a ladder.

This activity is extremely safe, provided the proper precautions are taken. This is more of a mental fear, which affects a variety of people as they feel nausea.

The good news is, this fear can be overcome with practice and persistence.


6. Fear of Public Speaking

This fear, which is speaking in front of a crowd of people, or performers experiencing stage fright, does is results in extreme anxiousness.

There can be panic attacks, just by the mere thought of talking to groups of people. What results are physical, verbal, and nonverbal symptoms.

Physical symptoms can include nausea, sweating, a rapid heart beat, elevated blood pressure, and muscle tension.

Verbal symptoms include pauses, stuttering, a trembling voice, or the mind going blank. It’s been said many have a fear of public speaking, more than they do dying.

5. Fear of Flying

The fear of flying, is being scared of physically being in the air, such as in an airplane. This fear is usually a learned response, from a previously traumatic event.

For instance, someone previously experiencing a rather frightful flight, such as extreme turbulence resulting in an emergency landing.

Although flying remains one of the safest methods of travel, just the thought of flying activates fear, as what’s known is humans can’t fly.

This is also related to the fear of falling, where one feels vulnerable and out of control, which results in extreme stress.

4. Fear of Commitment or Intimacy

Some fear intimacy or commitment in relationships. This subconscious response, is a result of poor parenting during childhood. Those suffering from this fear, experienced dismissive rejecting parents.

The parents could of been divorced or separated, resulting in a lack of love and security. Parents may also have ridiculed, or shamed the child.

Once a child is unable to express their affectionate emotions, they’re then unable to experience, express, or give love as adults.

They’ll also ignore social invites, reject close intimate relationships, all because of potentially getting hurt.

3. Fear of Dying

The fear of death is the persistent thoughts of ones mortality, which causes them to not live or enjoy life to its fullest, but one of anxiety and distress.

Those who lacks confidence, the elderly, those with various physical or psychological issues, will often experience this fear.

At times, this fear can become so overwhelming, they’ll live their waking days in despair.

Other thoughts of fright, can be dying alone with no one caring for them, dying slowly while in pain, or dying without all their mental faculties intact.

2. Fear of Success

There are some who experiences success or achievement, but feels fear they don’t deserve coming out ahead and winning.

These are the same feelings they’ve felt, from a previous traumatizing event. This can lead to avoiding situations they deserve or earned, just to maintain calm and a sense of security.

The fear of success, can also be because of the generalized messages society sends, as it’s often viewed negatively, such as they being cheaters, greedy, narcissistic, or criminals.

Some also feel they’re losers in life when they were younger, so any success makes them feel guilty.

1. Fear of Failure

The fear of failure, can become so paralyzing it prevents some from reaching their goals. Those who suffer from this fear, sabotages their efforts to avoid disappointment.

This usually occurs if the parents were overly critical, and they carry this negativity into adulthood, thinking they can’t achieve. This fear, results in low self-esteem and perfectionism.

The fear of failure, can be the root for anxiety disorder, depression, or OCD. Most are successful in one area of life such as attracting relationships, but poor in other areas such as wealth accumulation.

They’re constantly looking for a work-life balance, but are never happy regardless of what they accomplish.