Why The Road Towards Success Is First Crowded With Failure

why we experience failure firstWe’re never told this by our parents or our educators. We never hear this from our employers, and that’s we’re destined to fail, this by default, that we’ll usually fail before we can succeed. That the path to success is a narrow one, which is faulted with mistakes.

What everyone wants however is to become instantly successful. As a result, the self improvement industry has become one of the most lucrative in the world. They tell you to follow their plan to capture success. If you fail, you’re not trying …

Determine If Your Life Is Programmed For Success Or Failure

how to breakaway and succeedHave you ever wondered why some people seem to have it all. Well, it’s got nothing to do with luck and everything to do with the way you were raised. Your upbringing. Determine if you were raised and programmed for success or failure.

Some individuals just have all the grace. They’re well liked by everyone that they meet, they’re financially stable and attractive. What stands out most is their beaming sense of self confidence, this whenever they enter a room or wherever they may be. They have that certain presence …