Ways To Relax Your Beating Heart By Going With The Flow

The sensation of the slowing down of time while the world around us appears to be speeding up, is known as the flow state. This state of mind, is when the illusion of time and space appears to hypnotically come to a standstill. This is the mindset you want to reach when it comes to peak performance.

What it equates to is the ability of being able to harness the limits of your creativity, intelligence, and talents, all while captivating and remaining in this state of flow under times of …

Learn Proper Breathing Techniques To Revitalize Your Energy

What we’re constantly doing is looking for ways to reawaken that boundless energy we once had as children. That endless hyper spunk of life. What it comes down to is how we breath, as every single breath we take purifies, energizes, and revitalizes every cell in our body with energy.

There are clinical studies which support what Eastern based traditions has known for centuries. Every time we breathe, what we’re doing is granting our body, mind, and soul optimal health and well-being.

The instance we’re born, our very first instinct …

Instantly Improve Your Energy Level In Just A Few Minutes

how to adopt better breathing techniquesIt’s now a well known fact after extensive studies that the average individual, either in a stagnant state such as watching TV, or while at their work in an office type of setting, will only expend around 20% percent of their total energy that’s available to them.

But for those who routinely over achieve, the superstars among us, they’re thought to expend closer to 50% percent of their total energy capacity. Professional athletes are routinely thought to burn close to 90% percent.

What we prefer to do, as however cliche …