Reasons Why Your Body Craves Sugar And Your Sweet Tooth Wins

adicted to sweetsOne of the most difficult things to resist is sugar. The reason for this is that we’re all born with a “sweet tooth.” What we humans have is a natural preference for anything that’s sweet, this because we think our brains need sugar to properly function. We think our body needs sugar to supply the energy it demands.

Our individual cells are encoded to be more sensitive towards certain tastes, and sweetness is one of them. If you happen to have a low sensitivity to sweets, then you’re likely to …

The Real Horrors Of How Sugar Reacts And Damages Your Body

the damaging effects of sugarSugar is completely anti-heath, it wrecks havoc on your skin and your externals in ways that you don’t realize. Sugar is now considered a toxic substance. What’s also known is that the average individual consumes, swallows, absorbs around 125 pounds of it per year.

That breaks down to around 20 teaspoons per person daily. Sugar is also a sneaky little devil as it’s found, hidden, in a variety of forms. There are ways however, to find out where all the hard to detect hidden sugar consumption areas in your diet …