The Reality Is Time Is Constantly Active And Ticking Forward

Life is constantly racing forward at all times. We squish our lives thinking we’re running out of time, as we binge watch TV shows, constantly update our social media posts, attempt to finish our never ending things to-do list. Time is just a tiny four letter word, that dominates our lives.

Think how different our lives would be, if we slowed down, and just did the things that really mattered, instead of constantly rushing to get somewhere as quick as possible.

What if more time was gifted to you, what …

How To Find And Reclaim Back Your Time In A Limited World

don't be a victim of tracking timeLife is short, that’s what they say, well, that’s only partially true. This because your life happens to be the longest thing that you’ll ever do. It does often feel, however, that our waking moments are squeezing us too much, and the days just aren’t long enough.

The minutes, turn into hours, which expires out into the day, and there’s always more work to do, let alone finding the time to relax.

The vise-grip demands of the workplace, along with our social obligations, combined with we needing our basic necessities, …