The Attack Of Free-Radicals And How They Damage Your Health


Your body is a living biological organism. And similar to any other living animal, mammal, or plant, reacts in a similar way. The living organs, cells, and fluids all work in unison like a unit, and if one part of the it fails to function, the body then becomes ill and diseased.

Your body is similar to a well-functioning sports team. The playing surface is your body, the free-radicals which are constantly invading it are trying to shorten your lifespan, attempting to defeat you by taking away home field advantage …

Why Fitness Enthusiasts Should Avoid These Common Foods

snacking on crackersThose who do demanding workouts on a daily basis such as weight training, or other forms of exercising which requires discipline and dedication on a regular basis, their diets need to be especially fine tuned to comply to the rigors for their particular development.

So because of this, it’s in their best interest to avoid consuming certain foods which directly counteracts all the positive attributes and effort that these dedicated athletes put in. This to restore their energy supply to work out harder the next day.

So what’s recommended is …