A Lack Of Purpose Is Why You Don’t Take Action In Life

What you suddenly have is a brilliant idea, but you don’t bother acting on it. Everyone at one time or another procrastinates. It doesn’t need to be an earth shattering discovery. It may of just been a plain old good idea that would have made you more money, or saved you time.

But what you did instead was just dismissed it. You had other things to do next, so it went on the back burner.

The core substance of who you are is you’re an extremely creative deep thinker. You …

How To Know You’re On The Right Track To Improving Your Life

pulling yourself out of struggleNo one said that life was easy, that it’s a smooth silky road where you get whatever you want. We all go through life’s ups and down, bumps on the road, and it can appear that things aren’t getting any better, that your life isn’t improving as you like.

You may be caught in the winds of change, uncertainty, looking around, looking over your shoulder to see if you’re making any progress. Waiting anxiously to see if any of the ghosts of the past comes creeping back to you, and …