Know That IQ Isn’t Always The Best Intelligence Measurement

woman who is thinking about intelligenceOne would usually correlate the intelligence of someone to the testing measurement which is known as Intelligence Quotient, or IQ. This whenever we discuss how brainy we consider someone to be.

Ones intelligence, the quick definition would be how fast or efficient that someone is able to mentally or physically solve a problem, correctly. What intelligence involves is the process of thinking, one’s thought being able to analyze through in its entirety, and be accurate about it. To never generalize.

Intelligence also includes the ability to be able to reason, plan things in advance, think in abstract, comprehend ideas and language, to be able to want to learn and understand something new.

How Intelligent Do You Consider Yourself To Be
The institution which are schools, which includes the entire educational system beyond it, would have you believe that we’re only intelligent if we are able to solve complex problems which are abstract.

To quickly resolve or remember facts as well as figures, as we’re quizzed on them. This however, as agreed by many is just one type of intelligence. This particular type of intelligence is usually referred to as intelligence quotient (IQ).

Having A High Intelligence Quotient
It’s found that there’s just a small portion of the population, based on this testing, when they’re poked and probed, who happens to have an extremely high IQ score way beyond the norm.

These are the individuals who are able to find academic teaching, learning, memory retention, whatever is taught in school or learned in life, to be relatively easy to grasp.

But the vast majority of us aren’t exactly gifted with a high IQ. Most will fall within and around the medium, the average, the very reason why it’s considered the average.

IQ Not Considered A Measurement For Success
The good news for most us, those who are “average” is that IQ alone isn’t considered the sole measurement of intelligence, especially when it comes to how successful one becomes in life.

It’s a well known fact that the majority of individuals who scale with a high IQ based on testing, don’t usually go on to be as successful in life as their high IQ score would indicate.

It’s found that most individuals with a high IQ will usually take safe, yet reasonably well paid routine employment. These individuals with high IQ’s are traditionally not comfortable with taking risk.

They would rather limit themselves and their own success by being safe, secure, and predictable. Most will often fall short of what their full potential suggests.

The Other Measurements Of Intelligence
There is another type, perhaps a better defined measurement of intelligence which focuses on how successful one can become in life. This measurement is now well publicized and acknowledged, and is known as “Emotional Intelligence,” or EQ.

What emotional intelligence offers is the ability to comprehend more abstract (theory) in real life. This measurement has more to do with understanding, recognizing, and then choosing how we think, act and feel, while living real life.

What it does is it carves out and shapes our social interactions with other individuals, and how we understanding ourselves. What it defines is how and what we choose to learn.

EQ then allows us to set up priorities, what we should do next, which determines and dictates the majority of what we decide to do on a daily basis and in life. One with an extremely quick wit, displaying a sense of humor to process and then lighten situations are thought to have high emotional intelligence.

What emotional intelligence reveals is the capacity to be able to create positive outcomes when it comes to our relationships. This with ourselves as well as others. These skills which can be learned, then creates love, joy, and success in all aspects of our lives.


The Showdown: EQ or IQ
What emotional intelligence displays is it reveals our intention and actions to perform, the ability to think on our feet, while IQ has less to do with success, but rather displays potential.

The good news is that despite our lack of IQ, we all have or can harvest EQ, that we all have the capacity to be able to develop and foster as much EQ as we want, or can.

We can develop higher EQ which will help us to build better relationships with others, to use and control our emotions appropriately, or to focus our efforts so we can become more successful in our lives, the intangibles.

Emotional intelligence is now considered to be a better predictor on who’s more likely to succeed in life, rather than basing it on how brilliant someone does on a test score.

Is There Something Beyond IQ And EQ
Whenever you sit back and you look at the world that we live in, what is it that you ponder upon the most. What’s your most common reflection.

Do you view the world and your existence as just space and time, logic and reasoning, mass and energy. Or are you also able to see purpose and meaning, connectivity and design, faith and mystery.

The third and final “intelligence” gauge is what’s usually referred to as spiritual intelligence, or SQ. What SQ considers is your viewpoints beyond materialistic living, which is everyday modern life.

Without some type of spirituality, whatever your beliefs may be, it then becomes possible to be unhappy or extremely dissatisfied with life, this regardless of how much material possessions, usually money, that you accumulate.

Can you really consider yourself to be successful if you’re not entirely happy about it, or if you somewhat feel guilt. So to be with peace with oneself, some believe that there needs to be a balance between IQ, EQ, and SQ. These are all necessary for having a happy and successful life.

So if you’re fortunate enough to have been gifted with a high IQ, then obviously the better off you will be. But there is proof that you shouldn’t just rely on a high IQ alone. It needs to be merged with a conscious EQ, along with the strict purpose of SQ.

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