How To Become Instantly Liked When Facing New Surroundings

being accepted when newBeing liked is the first hurdle to overcome when facing new situations. Whether it be a new organization, getting promoted, being transferred, a new career, moving to a new city. What we’re constantly forced to do is change and adapt ourselves constantly.

When we’re new, this because of restructuring or reorganization, every time we meet new customers or are attending conferences or seminars, there’s that initial unfamiliarity. Outside of the workplace, we go on first dates, or move to a new neighborhood.

It becomes difficult to experience new things, take advantage of new opportunities, this without putting ourselves out there in unfamiliar territory, meeting new people while trying out things for the first time.

The Newcomer Syndrome
We are always a newcomer at something at different times in our lives, so the key becomes to adapt as quickly as possible, to alter and be accepted to become productive and integrated.

This blending in process requires effort and time, as what we often find ourselves is not to be as effective or connected, this when you’re the new kid on the block.

To Fit In
To become successful in new situations relies on our confidence, along with the ability to manage a few behaviors, such as:

• Warmly greeting and introducing ourselves to complete strangers
• Remembering the names of those you’ve just met
• Asking questions to those who are busy or important
• The ability to quickly begin nurturing new relationships
• Performing difficult tasks in front of strangers

Showing reluctance to introducing ourselves to strangers won’t build that bridge to networking, which is a component for us to become productive and successful.

If we rely solely on the Internet or our own knowledge base to get information, this instead of seeking advice from experts, we’ll learn slower, make little progress, or get the wrong information.

If we wait for others to approach us rather than we initiative, we’ll often remain on the sidelines. If we fret with anxiety about performing well while avoiding mistakes, we’ll then seldom take the necessary risks that’s required to succeed.

To Show Initiative When New
Most are unable to manage these behaviors that well, this when they’re faced with new unfamiliar situations. It just comes down to acknowledging what they are, while improving interpersonal skills. It comes down to being comfortable by repetition.

Introduce Yourself First
When new, it’s expected that you introduce yourself to everyone. If you’re anxious about approaching or interrupting others, then place yourself in their position, and ask yourself if you’re open to meeting this new person.

So just go for it by practicing opening lines, this by preparing a list of initial questions which shows your effort and interest. Never hesitate to reintroduce yourself again later, if it wasn’t effective the first time.

Learn To Remember Names
Over time, due to bad manners or habits, most of us don’t bother or are pretty bad at learning and remembering names, although it’s the best way to make a great “second” impression.

What our brain does is processes names differently than any other information that we learn from others, and initially, the neural connection that we make between names and faces is extremely poor.

When we’re introduced to someone, make a commitment to listen carefully to their name, and then immediately repeat it back to them, ensuring that you plant it in your short-term memory.

Mentally repeat their names during the initial conversation, or write down characteristics about them on the back of their business card. Implant their names and faces and then review them before any upcoming meetings or interactions.


Always Be Asking Questions
Asking questions means that you care or are interested. When someone’s new, what almost everyone wishes later, is that they would of asked more questions.

Unfortunately, most are reluctant to approach others and ask, thinking that they’re too busy, or fear they’re making a bad first impression. There’s no stupid questions, just stupid answers.

Most expect anyone new to ask questions, so never hesitate or worry about asking them, as all you want is to know the answer. When you’re new, it’s your right to ask “newbie” questions.

Establish Relationships
Nothing happens unless relationships are made, and if you’re new, it goes beyond the initial introductions, this to establish a series of relationships, this to become productive and integrated.

So take the time to identify who you want to know better, the relationships which will help you become more connected. It doesn’t need to be a collaborative or social relationship, but just an informal one.

Never assume that others will make the first move, so instead find opportunities to approach them before or after meetings, suggest having lunch, or take advantage of corporate events, this to chat.

Make Yourself Seen
Most that are new will stress out attempting to make a good first impression, this especially when doing things which are unfamiliar, or when they’re expected to know how to do something that they don’t.

Most will worry about making their initial presentation or sales pitch, or writing their first report. This anxiety comes from having a previous mindset of not making mistakes, to be perfect at all times.

Those who are new, for them to become successful, need to experience less stress once they approach the situation, with the mindset of focusing to get better by adapting.

What anyone doesn’t expect is a flawless performance from newcomers the very first time, so never expect to be perfect on your first try.

All of these behavioral skills can be improved by practicing and reflecting. The key becomes entering any new situation excited, that it’ll be a good experience, this rather than worrying that it’ll turn out bad.

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