How I Lost 106 Pounds – My Weight Loss Story By Sarah

Hello, This Is Sarah, Please Read My Story And Message On How I Lost Over 100 Pounds With A Safe Simple and Sensible Weight Loss Plan… The Diet Solution Program

Being fat is not longer a concern of mine. In the fall of 2006 my name was Sarah Livingstone, and I weighed exactly 106 pounds more than I do today. It was Christmas, yes, that time of the year, and right after the excitement of a marriage proposal. I immediately began planning our wedding.

First on the list was the wedding dress, and to fit it the way that I wanted to, I knew losing weight would have to be the first step. I bought a set of scales and (gasp) bravely stepped on it. Oh to my horror that I weighed more than I ever had in my entire life! While growing up, I had never been a very thin person by any stretch, but I had never weighed in at 234 pounds.

In the five years that I dated my now husband, I had gained as well as lost more weight than I could count. But, I had always stayed within a respectable 25 or so pounds for years. When Mark proposed to me, I had embarrassingly weighted more than 59 pounds than when we first met.

Look At Me Now
fat sarah lose weight story how i lost 106 poundsWhen my friends and people see an old picture of me, I have heard numerous times that I now look like a completely different person. But, what’s more important is that I feel completely different. That’s because I am a different person.

In the past four years or so, a lot has changed than the scales themselves. The way that I look at my health, as well as the food that I now eat has drastically changed more than I can describe.

Diet On Diet Off
I was the type of person who was either always on that new fad diet or not, then quit and ate whatever I wanted to. There never seemed to be an in-between period. I felt that not eating every single food item that I craved was depraving myself. The basic idea of simply eating healthy as a way of life was completely foreign to me.

The Road To Skinny Began
My journey then began in the hopes of losing some weight. But what had actually happened along the way was unintentionally a lot more profound than just fitting into that wedding dress. I had learned to look at food in a completely different way.

My weight loss journey initially began with an infamous diet, that nearly every dieter has probably tried or heard of at one time or another, (which I won’t name or slam … but let’s say I began eating a lot of meat, and a lot less bread,) I then lost 40 pounds. But shortly after, I began to face a host of health issues, which left me looking hard at what type of food I was putting in my body.

I then decided to go the natural route, and felt a lot of improvement in my health than I ever did from taking any type of pill or fad. During that time, I was able to lose another 65 pounds, and while I did feel better, I still had experienced rough bouts. My health issues eventually led me to do some food sensitivity testing, which explains why I now pass on most foods, unless they are made fresh in my own kitchen. My food selection does not include the following: lactose, gluten or soy.

Seriously. I Don’t Mind
skinny diet weight loss sarah story of losing weightIf the Sarah of 2006, met the Sarah of today, I would feel for certain that she would feel sorry for me. She would be feeling that the Sarah of today was missing out on something. Well, I’m not. I have learned a lot more about myself, have grown spiritually, as well as ultimately changing in ways that I could have never imagined, without the struggles I went through in the past four years.

The weight loss in my own opinion, is the symptom of a mind that has changed forever. And a cupboard full of food that will never be the same, ever again. While the way that I choose to eat now is less than convenient when compared to how others eat, and although it does require some planning, it is shockingly doable.

Coming from a woman who was once full of excuses, for why I “fully deserved” just one more bite, or needed that ‘sweet’ treat after a hard day, it was quite a feat to find myself making such excuses not to cheat. There was a transformation in my perspective, that suddenly happened when I wasn’t exactly expecting it.


My Simple Weight Loss Secret Revealed – The Diet Solution Program

sarahskinnytestimonialA friend of mine actually recommended this weight loss ebook to me. It’s called ‘The Diet Solution Program.’ Not only can you lose weight and keep it off, but you will also enjoy beautiful silky flawless skin, as well as feeling a lot more energetic. Reading this fabulous book is easy to follow, spiritual and lucid. I read it from beginning to end in one go, it was that engaging.

The most important point portrayed is how and why most diets simply just don’t work, and how you can make losing weight work in your favor. Isabel the author, also reveals some of the most common myths regarding being fat. She reveals the foods that help, the foods that harm, all in a life changing way.


There is also information in ‘The Diet Solution Program,’ that assures those who suffer from diabetes and other diseases can successfully lose weight as well. The greatest point that Isabel De Los Rios gets across is instilling the belief that losing weight is possible, even for those who has given up and were convinced that their life of obesity was their ultimate destiny.

The Diet Solution Program teaches that maintaining the perfect body weight is simply eliminating the wrong type of foods currently in your diet. Unlike other diet programs, this ebook doesn’t include rigid meal plans, or strict exercise regimes.

Isabel’s Story
She bases this book on her 15 plus years of research on exercising, nutrition and health, based on her own experience. She was once an awkward, overweight teenager who transformed herself into a gorgeous fit woman that you see today, just by altering the way she ate.

3 Basic Principles
Be prepared for some surprising revelations about your seemingly favorite “healthy” foods that you enjoy. The Diet Solution Program bases itself on three basic principles, which ultimately results in achieving permanent weight loss:

• Know the exact foods that will instantly cause accelerated fat burning
• Know the foods that prevent the fat burning process
• Combining the right foods together to create the perfect fat burning effect

Foods Preventing The Fat Burning Process
Your liver is busy continuously filtering out bad harmful substances, so it doesn’t have the time to break down fat. The best way for optimal liver function is to stop feeding it all these harmful substances.

The Foods That Accelerates The Fat Burning In Your Body
The Diet Solution Program provides a list of the foods that are beneficial to losing weight. These are the healthy foods that accelerates the fat burning process in your body.

The Diet Solution Program is one book that everyone with health or weight issues should read. This regardless if you want to lose a little or a lot, or if you suffer from diabetes, or have heart problems or similar ailments.

You have most likely read other related books in the past, but there is nothing, absolutely nothing else that provides the life-changing information this book does. It simply breaks down to taking care of your health and weight, and the daily food that you should be eating and not eating.

Please Go To The Download Page

Believe Yourself Thin First
It’s a shift in thinking that you take, and you want to share with everyone who needs to hang in there. This is in sincere hopes that you see the light at the end of the tunnel, and it’s not the ice cream truck, lol. It doesn’t matter how old you are, what our jobs are, how rich we are, or what are goals are. Each of us are looking for better health, and then achieving it.

My hope is that you can find the strength so you can identify what you need to do. From whom within, which is you and only you, are able to garner some inner inspiration this year to lose that weight, and keep it off. It is my sincere hope that regardless if your scales will ever change, at least your mindset does. That you will do whatever it takes to get healthier than you are today.

I know all the excuses, as I have made most of them. There are over a million reasons why you are not taking better care of yourself. This year, just take a moment to count the number of people whom you love, as well as depend on you. Every single one of them is a reason to get healthier and stay that way. And there isn’t one among them, that aren’t more important than all the pathetic excuses that you make.

Sincerely yours…


Blog Post Contribution By Sarah Lopez

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