The Two Types Of Narcissist Personality Disorder Among Us

Narcissists exists, they are among us everywhere, you may even know of one specifically. An annoying relative who has thoughts of grandeur, only about themselves. They are the ones who are usually and typically completely self-absorbed in how great they are. They see themselves “head and shoulders” superior from absolutely everyone else.

Many may lack empathy while displaying arrogance protecting their massive yet fragile ego. They show disdain toward others once they’re challenged, interrupted or questioned.

When others don’t bother to treat them as a superior or insults them in some way, they will get that “How Dare You” glare on their face.

They will get upset by this direct opposition feedback challenging their opinion, statement or their annoying behavior.

Me Myself And Did I Mention Me

They’re constantly oblivious and ignorant of the effect they have or place on others.

They expect everyone to view them as “more superior than them,” and thus they’re entitled to special attention, privileges or treatment.

They are usually caught by surprise once others become offended by their behavior. These traits must surely remind you of someone.

Research has also identified there are two general sub-types of a narcissist personality.

For purposes of practicality, they are broken down as grandiose and invulnerable narcissists or a vulnerable narcissists.

The Invulnerable Narcissist
Invulnerable narcissists will usually tend to be less sensitive, and a lot more confident thus annoying and bold about themselves.

This “Type A” personality narcissist genuinely thinks and believes they’re far more superior than anyone else.

To the point they will actually seek revenge, or go into some kind of a rage against those who doesn’t treat them as they expect, which is a superior being.

This also occurs once they receive some type of negative feedback, or questioned about their motives as well.

They appear to have no sense of shame regarding themselves or their behavior, while displaying their big annoying ego at will.

Their parents, spouse or peers may have at one time treated them or told them that they are “God Like” superior to absolutely everyone else.

So they feel they’re not compensating for anything. They are acting out their own natural egotistical expectations.


This type of narcissist doesn’t care about anyone else other than themselves, including their partners.

They may eventually end the relationship, once they feel they’re not given the respect or the admiration they feel they deserve.

What they’ll do is openly flaunt themselves in front of others, while priding themselves on people who will listen to how wonderful and knowledgeable they are.

They will at times once challenged, also become aggressive and seek dominance without showing any empathy or remorse whatsoever.

The Vulnerable Narcissist
The vulnerable narcissist… may to some sound like an oxymoron? This narcissist personality tends to be a little more sensitive, and will even at times see themselves as victims.

This occurs once someone they face, doesn’t understand or appreciate how great they thing they are about themselves.

Similar to those who suffer from Bipolar disorder, narcissists who are vulnerable will always tend to be preoccupied with fears of abandonment and rejection.

They will never voluntarily lend out a helping hand, sympathy or empathy, and will reluctantly help only when asked. With an attitude of “how dare you.”

They may at times feel helpless, and often be depressed and anxious once others don’t bother to treat or view them as they feel they should be treated.

Vulnerable narcissists are usually covering up or compensating for a low self-esteem when they were younger, or some type of shame from early childhood.

So they’ve developed this behavior as a coping and protection mechanism, as they deal with neglect or a lack of the parent-child attachment.

They at times will swing back and forth between showing how great they are and feeling hurt. All while constantly trying to prove how superior they are to others, themselves or their siblings.

Vulnerable narcissists will usually care about how their partners or how their parents or others view them.

Their partners often makes the error of pointing out how vulnerable they are, in efforts to hopefully changing their opinion.

Any effort in attempting to hold them responsible for their behavior, may eventually result in a defensive attack or will result in a self-destructive response.

They will often try various methods of getting treated with respect from others, while still remaining in the same relationship.

Narcissists may even have hidden affairs, yet accuse their partner of straying and may become obsessive about preventing that from ever happening.

Both of these personalities have a few things in common as well, such as the thirst for needing power and control just to fuel their immense but fragile egos.

They both lack of empathy, use others by fueling their narcissistic supply, put down, blame and criticize others, while refusing to accept any responsibility.

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