The 7 Phases Of Human Soul Development In The Circle Of Life

This isn’t based on how old you are in human years, when or where you were born, or if you are the oldest sibling. It’s more about what stage your universal soul is currently at. A measurement, a final destination where we all want to reach is being an old soul, which is a level of transcendence.

This follows the same basic life stage any organism would go through during its lifespan. An organism which begins life as an infant.

What it does is progresses itself through the various stages …

7 Ways To Improve Your Self Wellness When Growing Older

As you progress into your adult life and begin to age, how would you define the state of your mental wellness. Is it fermenting like fine wine, or are you beginning to show a few cracks. Are there some deficiencies you need to fill.

Once we reach a certain age of adulthood, what we do is reach a peak, a crescendo. We then begin to stabilize and hopefully are fully mature adults.

For most, this occurs sometime in our 30’s, as the mind is considered to be at its peak. …

Take A Journey To The Centre Of Your Inner Self And Wisdom

Just take a look at the condition of the world around us. All we see is pain and agony. What we witness are things we deeply want to change, to heal and hopefully better somehow. Many of these situations however, are or appears beyond our ability to influence, and hopefully alter.

There is however one thing we can change, and that’s our relationship with ourselves, to help and better know ourselves.

What we can do is look deep within, and move closer to the truth of who we truly are. …

Trust Your Soul On This Mystical Path Of Abundant Living

This is what hits the heart the hardest for anyone who believes in the mystical, that there’s an external influence that’s beyond our realm. Most are fearful that it exists, to others it’s pure conjecture.

Some are lost in the darkness, that faith doesn’t exist, that our society is completely generic, cosmetic, and bland.

Those who believe in magical powers, appear to be on a mission.

Part of it is to help others who still have their feet stuck in clay, those who remain to have naive materialism, and are …

How To Really Get What You Want In Life Right Now

Every day we wake up, we want something right now. Most are minor in nature such as a hot cup of coffee or to go to the bathroom. We then have bigger demands and life quests, which appears on the horizon or the immediate future. All things we want.

There’s something that’s always pending at this very moment, this very second, so it’s usually urgent.

As our thoughts are taken from our imagination to our consciousness, what’s constantly asked is, “What is it I want?”

Regardless if these thoughts are …