9 Reasons Why You’ll Never Develop Six Pack Abs

3. Poor Hydration

What today’s common diet consists of is processed food, where your body becomes prone to retain water, this regardless of how hard you work out, or what your fitness level is. Some will unknowingly absorb high levels of sodium, while not drinking adequate quantities of water, which develops into belly fat. What’s recommended is limiting salt intake, while drinking up to ten 8-ounce glasses of water daily for most.

2. Genetically Impossible

What genetics does is plays a key role in the process of defining ab muscles, this to develop those mythical six pack abs. For the majority, the levels of abdominal fat tissue is too high. So despite toning up the upper back, chest, legs, and arms, the abs will constantly refuse to cooperate and develop. So attempting to sport those six packs becomes a forever losing battle.

1. Decreased Muscle Tone

Sub-optimal muscle tone in the abs are the most common reason why, this regardless of how hard you work out, most won’t ever get six pack abs. What every person has are various levels of ab development. Some may have too much, while others too little. The dimensions of the abdominal muscles, determines whether they’ll be visible or not, and actually show through the belly fat. To resolve this, determined intense weight exercises which are focused on the abs, such as reclined sit-ups is required.