9 Reasons Why You’ll Never Develop Six Pack Abs

6. Just Focusing On The Abdominal Muscles

What most think is that to develop six pack abs, they need to focus strictly on them, which isn’t the case. The workout regimen needs to focus on every and all muscle groups. What compound movement does is increases the number of calories that are burned exponentially, while sculpting the abdominal muscles in the process. After all, what you want is your muscles to appear uniformly developed.

5. Low Carbohydrate Diet

There’s a misconception in the fitness community that cutting down on carb-rich foods, helps in losing abdominal fat, which makes your abs more visible. Although true, doing so isn’t the proper way to get those abs ripped. The reason being that what low carb intake does, is also reduces the effectiveness of the anti-fat hormones, which causes metabolism to decelerate, eventually coming to a complete stop.

4. Adequate “Beauty” Sleep

There’s a connection between getting enough sleep and developing six pack abs, and that’s those who don’t get enough sleep, or has chaotic sleep patterns, tends to secrete more cortisol. This hormone is directly responsible for promoting the development of fat in the stomach area. So if you get to sleep earlier, doing so doesn’t stagnate cortisol secretion, which elevates energy levels the following day, which allows for more intense workouts.