The Chronic Worriers Mindset And The Reasons For Their Beliefs

the traits of those who constantly worryThere are certain thinking patterns which are considered a tad delusional that’s held by those who are chronic worriers. One of the main beliefs being that there’s compounding issues which are usually non-existent that can aggravate this worrying.

This when it comes to the worrier and their world insight, their altered thinking patterns can be extreme as psychosis, or be a more common issue such as stress and anxiety. They’re all underpinned by their strongly held beliefs regarding their self and the environment.

It’s a fact that for many, chronic worrying is an extremely common trait which can be found as the core of anxiety disorders, which are also paralleled with other similar conditions of ruminative thought.

Chronic worrying is identified by the individual’s need or wanting to worry with fright more, which can comfort them, resolving to the nature of all their worrisome thoughts, contributing to the lack of resolution to that worrying.

What the worrier will do is spend their spare time worrying instead of thinking leisure, with the most common outcome being that the reason for the worrying will usually appear much worse than it is.

The Reflected Reality Of The Delusional Beliefs Of Chronic Worriers
But I Was Born To Worry – No you weren’t. Worriers aren’t born, they’re made. Anxiety does have a genetic component to it, but there’s no clinical evidence that constant worrying is inherited.

True that both your parents may have been worriers, so most likely what you did was learn the same habit from them. So you’re not a born worrier, it’s more like, “I want to worry!”

Worry About Something That’s Likely To Happen – Again no, the majority of issues which worriers worry about will never happen. But it’s true that the more that you do worry about something, the more you think it’s likely to happen.

The Past Doesn’t Mean That It Won’t Happen Now – Or sometime in the future. Close to half of what chronic worriers worry about are things they can’t control. If something that you’ve worried about in the past didn’t happen, then the probabilities are good it won’t happen in the future.

Worriers will also project their worries to highly improbable ends. For instance, if someone is 20 minutes late, the worrier will automatically think that person was in an accident, injured, or are avoiding them, etc.

The end points are usually highly improbable events which are unlikely to happen in the future, the same as they didn’t in the past.

Worrying Prevents Bad Things From Happening – Not true, worrying alone doesn’t have the power to prevent anything that you don’t want from happening. Only actions beyond your control stops or alters things from happening.

Unfortunately, what the majority of chronic worriers have is poor confidence and low self-esteem when it comes to problem solving, so as a result, most are likely to not reach a solution to a problem which they believe is worth reacting to.

If I’m Worrying About Something There Must Be A Real Threat – Or, there is a real problem, so that’s the reason why I’m worrying about it. This is a fallacy of poor consequential reasoning. Individuals can feel anxious for a lots of reasons, such as being in pain or being tired, or simply being in a bad mood.

These types of feelings don’t mean that what you’re thinking about at that moment, happens to be a real threat or a problem which exists.

I Have A Hard Time Coming Up With Solutions To Problems – So because of that, I must keep worrying. No, all chronic worriers are usually just as good as anyone else when it comes to solving their problems. What they do is lack the confidence to execute the solutions which they generate.

I Need To Worry About All The Possible Things That Might Happen – Otherwise, I just won’t be prepared. All chronic worriers are usually excellent when it comes to continually asking themselves, “What if…?” The questions which generally fuels their worrying. But the more potential outcomes which you generate, the less likely that they’re ever likely to happen.


Once I Worry About Others It Shows I Really Care About Them – Not true, since there’s nothing worse than knowing someone is constantly worrying about you. If you really care about someone, then it’s better to let them know in other more direct ways.

Letting Others Know What Makes Me Worry – Then they’ll change their behavior, which isn’t true. They may just get angry with you instead. Your friends and family will easily see through this emotional blackmail, and the major reason why individuals with conditions such as Generalized Anxiety Disorder, routinely have issues with close personal relationships.

It’s Better To Think About A Problem Than Making A Quick Decision – The majority of people on a daily basis will make snap decisions based usually on the way that they feel, on pure “gut” instinct, or based on the advice of others.

There’s no need to spend a lot of time thinking through each and every aspect of an issue before you make a certain decision. This is the key difference between what’s known as using systematic processing, and using heuristic processing.

So Relax Be Happy
All of these are beliefs, some which are considered delusional, can plague those who constantly worry, and should be made aware of.

So know what their triggers and tenancies are, and then learn to deconstruct them somehow. What’s similar to everyone who holds these beliefs, however, is that it’s not an easy process to fix. So don’t worry, be…

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