Taking Advantage Of The Real-Time Web – It’s Here

realtimewebThe real-time web is here. It can be a massive ‘buzz’ created by the latest public reaction from Twitter on a breaking news story, immediate analysis to a new developing tech trend, or even an instant coupon savings deal on a local product. The Internet now offers instant accessible content faster than anyone ever thought possible. The real-time Web has changed the way we now gather as well as disseminate our digital information. This creates brand new opportunities for savvy online businesses or marketers in any niche or sector.

Offline retailers are now able to offer timely ‘Deals Of The Day’ on items that consumers are looking for. Marketers are able to participate in instant conversations with their clients about their products in real time. Companies can immediately increase their brand awareness via a video chat or discussion forum. Instant communication that was thought almost impossible just a few years ago.

But with all of the opportunities that the Real-Time Web offers, it’s still in uncharted territory, and you will need to learn how to properly navigate your way around it to get the maximum benefits for your business.

So What’s The Real-time Web Your Wondering?
The Real-time Web is a rapidly growing segment of the Internet where users can instantly access timely and relevant content at the precise moment it happens. This is on any topic whenever it’s published, anywhere on the Internet.

It also allows you to see how others are reacting to the news or event, how they respond to the various discussions while you are actively engaging in the conversation yourself. Facebook and Twitter are the best current examples that illustrates the social impact on new trending topics, as they are able to express opinions on something while it’s still fresh on their minds.

The topic could be as simple as what they ate for lunch at the local diner five minutes ago, to the immediate reaction of the latest release of the iPad device. The social relevance of any topic is determined by the type of excitement that it generates from the other users, as well as by whom.

A review of a local restaurant by an unknown consumer won’t turn any heads or demand the same type of attention as say the release of the latest iPad tablet. Regardless of what niche you may be in, the interest that the real-time Web generates is powerful data. You can easily monitor the conversations regarding your niche and then tweet about that, which should lead to streams of new traffic and visitors to your site. The ability to be able to market new products, all in real time, and then conduct free market research can be a huge advantage for any business.

The Immediate Reaction Effect
Just a few short years ago, when Internet users wanted the latest information or updates on a breaking news story, like the rumor or release date of the iPhone, it would involve running a Google search and then filtering through the numerous developing stories from news or tech blog writers.

But today, the same user can perform the exact same search on Google or Twitter, and instantly find dozens of ‘clips’ and opinions that will bring them up to the very last possible second of the story’s development. They will have immediate access to the links of the latest news stories, all the up to date discussions, commentary and videos that’s tweeted out in real time, from all over the world.

The subsequent countless streams of stories on blogs and videos can branch out in thousands of different directions, and savvy online marketers who’s tracking what they can, join in on the conversation that’s best suited for their business.

So How Can The Real-Time Web Help Your Business?
It really doesn’t matter what your business or niche is, as you can use the real-time Web in a variety of ways. The most obvious is identifying the latest trend in your particular industry, then cultivating relationships and forming potential partnerships.

One way to take advantage of the real-time web for search rankings is to write a lot of up-to-date relevant and topical blog posts, optimizing the titles as much as possible. Another way is to post videos on YouTube, or submitting press releases, while actively participating in conversations on Twitter, Facebook and other social interaction sites.

It’s not really that different from previous SEO practices, as it will always depend on the quality, accuracy and relevancy of your content. It’s not necessarily about hitting the exact keywords or providing something that the users want to read, it’s more about providing something that your readers will want to pass along to someone else.

Real-Time Web Content
Content that is Real-time relevant is usually more democratic than traditional ‘search.’ The topic will get to the top of the SERP’s if the users like it and wants to share it to their friends.

So it really goes back to creating unique relevant and interesting content that people are wanting to read and pass along. Allowing them to easily share the information may be more important. So conveniently located buttons and tags such as: Facebook’s ‘Share’ this, “Like” this, or Twitters ‘Tweet’ this etc. should be visible.

Also, try to stay ahead of market trends, such as the most obvious ones like Valentines Day, Easter or major sporting events. Improving and keeping your content relevant as well as marketing your product are things that you can do easily on the real-time Web.

There are also opportunities in paid advertising that may be more advantageous for a particular trending topic. There is a site called OneRiot, which is an advertising platform that allows you to attach your product or brand to the hottest trending topics. Twitter has also recently launched a platform for their real-time Web platform, called @earlybird.


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