9 Ways How Baking Soda Can Beautify Your Body

Baking soda is an extremely versatile solution, that’s most likely sitting idle in your cupboard right now. This inexpensive product is little known as a remedy for maintaining and curing body, skin, and hair ailments.

Sodium bicarbonate is a natural substance that’s found in crystalline form, offered to the consumer as a fine powder. This alkaline substance has powerful antibacterial, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties.

For centuries, it’s been used as a medicinal agent, to cure everything from the common cold to oral and skin issues. Baking soda should be treated …

The One Common Secret Ingredient That Can Improve Health

using-baking-soda-on-faceIt’s baking soda, and it’s no longer an old wives tale, as it’s one of the most inexpensive beneficial health remedies known. It’s known to combat everything from the common cold to major illness. It’s also used as a deodorant, and to improve oral health. So if you’re looking for a home pharmacy in a box, it’s baking soda.

Baking soda, or Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3) is a natural substance that’s found in the bloodstream, this to regulate the body’s pH level. What it does is counterbalances high acid build up, …