The Personal Right To Choose The Direction Of Your Life

Our life begins to function better, more efficiently once we start making our own life choices. But most will continue to struggle by stubbornly remaining the same. To live their lives in sorrow and disappointment, as what they fear is change.

When it comes to children, most choices are made for them, mainly because they need direction at various stage of their upbringing.

Their parents, guardians or teachers will tell them exactly how and what to think, as they dictate their world views whether it’s right, wrong or prejudiced.

As …

Know The Secrets And Nuances Of The Different Personality Types

Have you ever wondered why your spouse, coworkers, or children seem to think so differently from you? You may not understand why they make the decisions they do, or why they place such importance on things that seem inconsequential to you. It is possible to understand the answers to all these questions. The secret lies in the theory of Myers-Briggs personality type.

In the 1960s a psychological theorist named Katharine Briggs had many of the same questions you do. She wondered why some of her family members had such logical, …

Here Are Some Body Language Secrets You Should Be Aware Of

Even when you don’t say a word, other people can still learn a lot about what kind of person you are and what you are thinking and feeling.

How do other people do this? By studying your body language.
The term body language refers to the messages you send out with your body gestures and facial expressions.

Some body language experts claim that only about 7% of our messages to other people are communicated through the words we speak. The rest of our messages are conveyed through our body language, …