The Personal Right To Choose The Direction Of Your Life

Our life begins to function better, more efficiently once we start making our own life choices. But most will continue to struggle by stubbornly remaining the same. To live their lives in sorrow and disappointment, as what they fear is change.

When it comes to children, most choices are made for them, mainly because they need direction at various stage of their upbringing.

Their parents, guardians or teachers will tell them exactly how and what to think, as they dictate their world views whether it’s right, wrong or prejudiced.

As …

The Need To Show More Compassion By Not Judging Others

You, yes you, who doesn’t care about anyone but yourself. What if there’s a choice you can make, that can alter the course of your life for the better. Know there is. It’s the choice of moving away from constantly judging others, and moving towards a state of compassion.

Compassion is defined as not being self-centered, not having a big ego, but instead showing empathy. A deep caring for the pain of others, accompanied with a will to help.

There’s nothing that feels better, and more comforting than showing the …

9 Of The Most Common Lies Told By Women And Men

matchmakerdatingsignupWhy are there some relationships that are a lot more honest than others? Why are there some couples that tell each other the truth, while others constantly deceive each other? Nobody deserves to be lied to, but there is no doubt that people lie to each other and often.

If you have had any trust issues in your relationship, your partner may be lying to you. Trust is something that you should be building from the beginning of a relationship. Even though there are a lot of people that say, …

The Top 4 Questions You Should Ask Before You Say, Yes “I Do” Want To Marry You

“How do you know when you’ve met the right one?
Almost everyone asks this question at some point in their lives; unfortunately, there are not too many who get a concrete answer.

Interestingly, the criteria for choosing a spouse can be reduced to just four key characteristics. If you can find somebody with all four then it’s highly likely that you’ve found your life partner.

1) What is This Person’s Core Values?
Before you decide to marry someone, make sure that they are fully committed to some kind of objective …