Know The Signs You’re In A True Genuine Loving Relationship

What the experts claim is you need to love yourself first, before you can love anyone else. One of the keys to life is to be mindful and aware regarding what happens to you. Our life without a doubt, will always be bombarded with a variety of ups and downs, major traumas, challenges, and triumphs.

Hopefully, we’ll learn from all our mistakes, our experiences, so we can move forward towards a better, more complete life that’s meaningful to us.

“Know thyself” seems to be the key. The first assignment of …

A Letter Written From A Hopeful Young Man To His Future Girlfriend

You – I value my personal space, so please don’t take away the time spent with my guy friends, my car or my motorcycle, my alone time, all the things that brought me peace before meeting you. Please don’t change my love for sports, goofiness, or anything else that makes me comfortable. Issues you may have resistance towards.

Don’t expect me to act a certain way, around you. Don’t hold my words against me, I’m just rambling. Accept me for me being me, all the defects and shortcomings. Understand the …