Strategies To Initiate A Brand New Romantic Relationship

There you are sitting alone on another Friday night, your only companionship being a blaring TV, your cat, and cold vegetarian pizza. So you want a romantic relationship. You’re attractive, people like you, yet for a while you’ve chosen to be alone, to calculate and reevaluate your life.

So how do you take that next step forward from being single, to finding a mate, a partner, a significant other.

Your slate is now clean, no residue no karma. There are no lingering aftereffects or rebounding from a relationship gone astray.

You’re refreshed and ready to put yourself out there, to find a date, to find someone, a relationship that’s everlasting.

Please Help Me I’m Lonely

The good news is you can take a clinical approach by calibrating and refining what you’re looking for this time.

You can do so based on your personal preferences along with your intimacy goals.

There are ways on how you can initiate a relationship with the person of choice. So discover how you can find a love that lasts.

To meet your goals, to not have another worthless evening, you can take the steps to develop a new relationship targeting who you want.

You can follow a strategy you can mix and match like your wardrobe.

Getting Emotionally Involved

This approach might require a bit of polished communication skills, to “break the ice” by you bravely initiating a conversation with someone new.

From there, you can create emotional involvement by developing rapport by conversing, to build attraction.

This strategy however may develop into just a friendship, rather than passion and desire.

Depending on your relationship goals, what you need is to escape from the friend zone, or avoid it altogether.

Being Direct

Being direct can be an effective strategy, simply by just asking directly what you want, which can have a high probability of success or failure.

Whether you’re looking for romance or physical intimacy, using a direct approach requires learning to cope with rejection.

Having the fortitude and confidence to be more persuasive and bulletproof, once you come across and not dwell on getting plenty of “No’s.”


Indirect Signaling

What approaching a potentially new relationship indirectly has are its benefits and drawbacks. What it avoids is the risk of getting rejected such as being direct.

Conversely, what sending mixed signals can create is confusion and aloofness.

To be effective at indirect signaling, what needs to be crafted is how to get the persons attention with your subtle behavior, and knowing how to read their body language.

Beyond that, there are better persuasive strategies to use.

Change The Setting

Changing the immediate environment, to initiate or alter romantic feelings has been proven to be an effective and safe approach.

What’s known is romantic feelings can automatically be altered and triggered, by using different words, images, or lyrics. What exciting exhilarating activities can do is create attraction.

This approach can run into roadblocks however, if either party doesn’t have the confidence to make a move at the right time, to escalate the relationship.

What’s proven to be most effective, is combining it with direct initiation, or by setting a romantic scene, which indirectly signals a person to make a move.

Using Humor

Such as teasing or joking. This approach often works better to establish a sexual relationship. As a result, it’s a strategy favored by pick-up artists, someone looking for a one night stand.

This can involve using proven pick-up lines to get attention, to build attraction.

It can also include playing hard to get, making someone work for your affections.

If not mixing the teasing with being friendly however, this tactic can lead to the person feeling manipulated, which reduces the possibility of romance.

Demonstrating Resourcefulness

Since relationships are essentially social exchanges, people are often attracted to others who are resourceful or connected.

But what “showing off” can come across as, is being egotistical and arrogant. The reason for this, is because sharing resources others don’t have, can appear as being manipulative.

If it appears someone is either giving or taking too much, it may appear there’s an ulterior motive.

As a result, it becomes important to structure how you “give” to someone, by rewarding their good behavior, while building rapport along with gratitude.

The Blind Date

Getting matched by either friends or family, can be one of the more successful strategies when finding a potential new partner. This can also be done by networking through social media, or onine dating.

Regardless, to completely initiate a relationship, you’ll eventually have to talk to the person on a one-on-one basis, and get to know them.

After the initial introduction, what needs to be used are some of the emotional and direct strategies from that point, provided you’re interested in them.

Acting Passive

What being passive does is takes the emotional risk out of dating. Getting others to react and come to you however, takes planning and a lot of work.

What this involves is making yourself attractive enough to get noticed, which is an advantage for those who are physically attractive.

This involves improving your physical appearance, personality, showing your unique characteristics to get the attention of someone.

What you have however is little control over who you’re able to attract.

It becomes important to fend off and reject unwanted romantic offers, while recognizing compatible ones.

Even then, unless you’re extremely pretty or extraordinarily handsome, you’ll need to add additional direct tactics, to attract the right type of person you want.

Know Yourself

What each of these approaches to initiate a new relationship has are its own benefits and drawbacks.

Therefore, it may take some experimenting to find which of the strategies fit’s your style, and meets your goals romantically.

Eventually, what you’ll settle on is a combination, your own unique blend of tactics which will work for you, and help you find the most ideal partner.