One Certain Fact Of Life Is You Always Get What You Ask For

One thing for certain is certainty itself. If you want something bad enough, you’ll get what you ask for, every time. It’s a natural law of the universe, that everything you do begins with a single thought. Each and every thought is an energy force.

What any form of energy does is it automatically manifests itself, it reacts somehow, good or bad.

Once any type of thought you think about is strong and focused enough and in the same direction, it will manifest itself in the real world you live …

The Universal Laws Of Attracting More Abundance & Prosperity

Living a prosperous life, goes beyond just having enough money to live comfortably. In order to become truly prosperous, you need to alter your entire mindset from lack to abundance. You need to make a shift both physically and emotionally, to live a life on a more universal abundant plane.

It begins with doing what you love to do, to find your true calling, which automatically injects enthusiasm.

When you feel happier, what you emit are more positive vibrations, which attracts all the things you want more of, quicker and …

4 Secret Subliminal Methods On How To Make People Like You

You know who they are, they’re magnetically shiny slippery and charismatic, and can turn on the charm at will. They come across as being completely mesmerizing under any circumstance, as they have a knack for instantly making you, or a room full of skeptics smile with glee.

When you usually meet someone for the first time and after the formal introductions, most will go into limp cold fish mode with short choppy reaction, and become aloof when it comes to small talk.

Those first few minutes can become anxiously prolonged, …

5 Detrimental Ways How Sugar Can Damage The Brain

An addiction is defined as a dependency to a substance or a thing. An addiction is a bad habit, where some are more obvious than others, but detrimental just the same. Anything that’s bad for you, anything that damages health, something as common as sugar is an addiction.

We as children are targeted and victimized as we’re introduced and fed the seductive taste of sugar as a reward, if we behave.

Susan you have been a good girl this week, so here is a cookie, unbeknownst to mom it’s playing …

The 5 Personalities Types Of Alpha Males And How They React

It’s the females prerogative to select the biggest, brightest, the smartest from a crowd of men, and is done so on instinct. They’re naturally drawn to the best selection of male that’s available to them at that time. So the runts of the litter are sent to the back of the line.

As with anything else in nature, and the human species is no different, this is the first tendency when it comes to the selection process. When it comes to finding potential mates.

It’s determined by a subconscious physiological …