How Is It Even Possible To Self Hypnotize Yourself

self hypnosisWe’ve all attended the country fairs where a mystic with dark hypnotic eyes invites you, dares you, that they can predict your future, reveal what will happen to you, place you under a hypnotic spell, this without any interference. Is this even possible.

What the experts claim is that there’s approximately 30% percent of the population that are potential to become hypnotized, while around 25% percent are considered extremely difficult, if not impossible to fall victim of falling under a spell of auto-suggestion.

The remainder of us falls somewhere in between, at different degrees of susceptibility. In a clinical study, it was shown that it’s not about one’s personality or gullibility, but more about the individuals cognitive makeup which suggests that they can be hypnotized, or not.

Most who performs hypnosis agrees that those with an active expanded vivid imagination, who are extremely open to suggestion, or those who possesses the ability to “vision” things clearly and concisely, are more easily hypnotized.

This rather than those with steel-trap minds who are more analytical by nature and less creative, the ones who are always skeptical or paranoid, seeking out conspiracy theories, while attempting to find out what the hypnotist’s intentions are.

Methods Of Hypnosis
Hypnosis as a method is actually used for a wide variety of reasons, to cure or improve a host of issues, everything from weight loss, phobias, to curing allergic reactions, some claim to success.

For the majority of these behavioral changes, such as losing weight, quit smoking, overcoming or minimizing stress, or overcoming the fright of spiders, for instance, self applied hypnosis is known to be an effective method.

While you might think that you’re not someone who can easily fall victim of being hypnotized, there’s no harm in looking at the steps, the methods which are used in self-hypnosis techniques which you can use yourself, this to help move towards a behavioral change that you want.

Is It Possible To Self Hypnosis Yourself
There’s no need to fall into a meditative state or completely blank out your mind. All that’s required is sitting quietly while repeating certain phrases. What your subconscious mind then does is it plays back a series of “recordings” over and over.

Some will say, “I’ll never lose weight” or “I’m horrible at public speaking” or “I’ll never find a partner” etc. What self hypnosis can do is replace these negative statements with positive ones, this to set a core foundation.

Steps To Self-Hypnosis
• Begin by identifying a physical spot that’s peaceful for you. Some will find a quiet room or even their car. What you want is to use the same spot every time, as your mind then associates with the same familiar self-hypnotic state.

• When practicing in the same spot, it becomes easier to reach a deeper state while your mind accepts more positive suggestions. So find a space that’s comfortable and appealing to you. Use the same chair along with the same familiar calming reminders.

• Make sure that you have at least 20 minutes of uninterrupted time. Unplug or turn off your phone. Tell everyone you need a few minutes. Make sure you don’t need to be anywhere anytime soon. Find the best time of day when you’re relaxed the most.

• Know what your objectives are. Write down some positive statements such as: “I will make the best eating choices today. I choose to eat the foods which are the healthiest for my body.”

• Make sure that you’re in the present tense, as of right now and here, and not something that you’re going to do in the future. Stay positive but not too over the top. If your mind refuses to believe what you’re saying, then know it can reject it.

Say things such as “I know all the proper exercises to do and I make all the right choices,” this instead of “I’m looking more like a movie star every day!”

• Keep in mind that becoming successful is the objective when attempting self hypnosis, that you see “end result” pictures in your mind. Some will vision things extremely clearly, while others are more auditory or kinesthetic.


As long as you’re able to “sense” what you want and then somehow recreate a reaction or an image in your mind, then you can self-hypnotize yourself. Before you begin, write down your desired goals quantitatively.

• Clearly define what the end success will be or look like. This is where you can look into the future. For instance “My goal is to weight 120 pounds by eating lean protein such as chicken and fish, and fresh fruits and vegetables, three times a day.”

• Make sure that you’re specific as possible on what you want to accomplish, and how you’ll get there. Focus on the measurable activities if you can. Also include some qualitative aspects, such as “I feel a lot more active and healthier every day as a result.”

Make It A Habit
What it takes is repetition. what you may have accumulated are a few bad habits over time. Bad habits are learned behaviors, just as good habits are also learned, so make sure that you commit to the good ones.

Any new learned behavior takes around 21 days for it to become a habit, routine. So dedicate yourself to practicing this adopted process for at least that duration, steadily without fail. If you do happen to get off track, then start over again.

Some think that seeking out a professional hypnotherapist is the best solution, but if you’re uncomfortable with that, or have other reasons such as a lack of time or money, then begin practicing on your own.

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